Sunday, October 5, 2014


Wow, its official, im a missionary out in the field.. its freaky. This area is called Vitoria, its in the northern part of Spain and its supposedly the greenest city in all of Europe so, needless to say, its absolutely beautiful here. 
My companion is Hermana Hemsley, we´re basically the same person in a lot of ways so thats fun. She´s a combination of a few people... Sara Boley, Payton (on one tree hill) and Mikun. She´s my mom out here. I love her. Its jus us in our ´´piso´´ aka apartment.. and its HUGE! and really nice, so thats fun. We work out twice a day.. pros and cons to that, but its really good cause then i can eat a lot ;). 
K, so church yesterday... that was the longest day of church i have ever had. Like no comprendo nada. Needless to say, the language is a very big challenge for me, but its comin, ITS COMIN! I just wish that it had come yesterday. 
K, so heres a funny/im-an-idiot story concerning the language. So everyone says ´´que guay!´´ which is like saying ´´how cool!´´ right? k, so were talking to this less active lady and im getting that she was talking about some kind of party and what not and im just nodding and smiling and occiasionaly saying que guay.... ya, after we left, my comp was like ´´um, you should probably make sure you know exacly what theyre talking about when you say que guay cause you kept saying how cool it was when she was explaining that her country (dominican republic) loved to party and have one night stands´´....idiot. i hate myself sometimes.
But all is well here in espain. Just workin on it.
Love you all!
Hna Lam

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